Public-Private Cooperation at the EU Level
- Par la rédaction du site CRGN
- Publié le 20 juillet 2022, mis à jour le 15 juillet 2024
Research Note Issue 29
By Pierre BERTHELET, CREOGN associate researcher
"In its desire to organize the cybersecurity sector, the European Union intends to promote a European digital market and stimulate the competitiveness of its companies. It also aims to defend its own interests, inherent to the economic, societal and security values it intends to preserve. As a "regulatory state", it is part of a global perspective of multi-level and multi-dimensional collaboration with both the Member States and the private sector. The modes of action are diverse, ranging from imposing legal obligations to creating dialogue platforms and awarding grants to finance projects in the field of research and innovation (R&I). The contractual public-private partnership (cPPP) is an example of a proactive policy led by the EU, where the focus is on R&I to organize and densify the European cybersecurity sector. (...)"
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