Ethics and Innovation : Conflicts within Organisations

  • Par la rédaction du site CRGN
  • Publié le 09 septembre 2021, mis à jour le 12 juillet 2024

Research Note Issue 56

By Colonel Philippe Davadie, the Director of Education and Research at the Judicial Division of the French Gendarmerie

"Today, innovation is credited with many virtues : it drives development, reveals the inventive nature of the members of an organisation, creates value, and is even becoming a quasi-injunction. If previously people were expected to publish, they are now expected to innovate: the traditional “publish or perish” seems to have been replaced by the implicit “innovate or abdicate”. However, it should be noted that, despite this injunction, not everyone innovates, just as not all organisations are innovative. (...)"

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Ces contenus peuvent vous intéresser

Numéros d'urgence

  • Police - Gendarmerie : 17
  • Pompier : 18
  • Service d'Aide Médicale Urgente (SAMU) : 15
  • Sourds et malentendants : ou 114 par SMS
  • Urgence Europe : 112

Sécurité et écoute

  • Enfance en danger : 119
  • Violences conjugales : 39 19
  • Maltraitance personnes âgées ou en situation de handicap : 39 77