Augmented Human : What are the Ethical and Legal Issues in Homeland Security Policies?
- Par la rédaction du site CRGN
- Publié le 13 avril 2022, mis à jour le 15 juillet 2024
Research Note Issue 15
By squadron leader Jérôme LAGASSE
"The augmented human (human enhancement) is of great interest to the great political and military powers because of the range of possibilities it offers to cover the missional spectrum of defense and security missions. As a direct consequence of the digital transformation, we are witnessing an exponential growth of human capability enhancement technologies capacities, which are supposed to provide a decisive advantage over an adversary. The increase in the operational capabilities of agents who hold a monopoly on legitimate physical coercion cannot be achieved without ethical and legal reflection in a democratic society organized on and around the primacy of around the primacy of human rights and dignity. It is in this perspective that the Club de réflexion et de recherches stratégiques de l'Irsem, associated with the Centre des hautes études de l'armement studies, had animated, for the first time in the sphere of Defense, an in-depth debate on these topics related to transhumanism. The cycle of study and reflection covered the period 2009-2010. These exchanges within the scientific community had led to the drafting of a final report in March 2010. (...)"
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