Analysis of microbial communities : An emerging tool in forensic sciences

  • Par la rédaction du site PJGN
  • Publié le 24 janvier 2022, mis à jour le 13 juin 2023


The objective of forensic sciences is to find clues in a crime scene in order to reconstruct the scenario. Classical samples include DNA or fingerprints, but both have inherent limitations and can be uninformative. Another type of sample has emerged recently in the form of the microbiome. Supported by the Human Microbiome Project, the characteristics of the microbial communities provide real potential in forensics. They are highly specific and can be used to differentiate and classify the originating body site of a human biological trace. Skin microbiota is also highly specific and different between individuals, leading to its possibility as an identification tool. By extension, the possibilities of the microbial communities to be deposited on everyday objects has also been explored. Other uses include the determination of the post-mortem interval or the analysis of soil communities. One challenge is that the microbiome changes over time and can be influenced by many environmental and lifestyle factors. This review offers an overview of the main methods and applications to demonstrate the benefit of the microbiome to provide forensically relevant information.



Body fluid determination ; criminalistic ; forensic sciences ; human identification ; microbial communities ; skin microbiota


Article complet disponible en libre téléchargement ci-après :

Analysis of Microbial Communities - An Emerging Tool in Forensic Sciences.pdf (1,4 MB)

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