Terrorism in light of the "Tarnac Affair"
- Par la rédaction du site CRGN
- Publié le 29 août 2022, mis à jour le 15 juillet 2024

Research Note Issue 16
"Currently, French law on terrorism is subtle and rather complex. For thirty years policymakers have multiplied the number of normative texts on terrorist acts but they have left a lot of leeway for judiciary services to adapt this concept and they have entrusted case law with the task of defining the limits of its legal classification?. France refuses to establish a specific and general incrimination of terrorism like Germany and Italy, for instance. That is the reason why the Tarnac trial is highly awaited. Indeed, according to the defense attorneys, the case is likely to be brought to the court of cassation. Through this case, the High Court could render a seminal judgment on the classification of terrorism. The criminal court will once again have the opportunity to define the terrorist act and to provide clarifications. (...)"
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